Can I Give My Cat Bacon?

Can I give my cat bacon

Can I give my cat baconCats are like humans and need proper sustenance, so does bacon provide that?.

They depend solely on their caretakers for their nutrition. As a cat owner, you must know the right foods that you should feed your pet. You should also know when to give proper medications following a veterinarian’s advice.

Giving enough nutrition to your pets will be beneficial in such a way that you will avoid added expenditures for medications when it gets sick.

Just like humans, cats have special needs as well. They may also be allergic to certain food, which is something you should be aware of.

Take note that they have sensitive digestive system which means you have to be careful when feeding them.

Popular belief says that they are picky when it comes to the food they eat but the truth is, they do not know when the food they eat is not good for them.

Can I Give My Cat Bacon? Answer: Yes, But Only as an Occasional Treat

Bacon is made from the side of pig and is cured with large volumes of salt.

As much as people enjoy it, your cat may also beg you for it because of its delicious taste. You can feed it with bacon but with moderation and only as an occasional treat.

As much as bacon is unhealthy for humans, it is also unhealthy for animals. Bacon contains too much fat that can clog cats’ blood vessels. The high levels of sodium and the preservatives used in making bacon are also hazardous. However, a slice of it every once in a while is considerably fine.

Dangerous Foods for Cats
Just like pork, milk is not suitable for cat’s metabolism.

We always see photos and TV commercials where cats love drinking milk. However, contrary to popular belief, milk is not as good for them as it looks like.

Most cats are lactose intolerant. They hardly produce lactase which is an enzyme needed to digest lactose found in milk and dairy products.

You may not be aware of it, but there are common foods that can be dangerous for cats. One of them is raw fish. Raw fish contains enzymes called Thiaminase that break down Thiamine.

The lack of Thiamine in cats can cause several neurological disorders. If your cat has Thiamin deficiency, it may suffer from coma or convulsions.

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Too much liver is not healthy for cats either. Livers have high levels of Vitamin A. Too much Vitamin A may lead to Vitamin A toxicity, which is detrimental for the bones.

It is better not to feed them with liver as much as possible especially if you are already administering Vitamin A supplements to them.

Onions are harmless for humans but not for felines. They contain N-propyl disulphide that destroys red blood vessels among animals including cats, horses, dogs, and sheep. This results to some form of anemia.

Your cat may be in danger too if it is addicted to tuna. Tuna, especially red tuna used in canned cat food, contain massive amounts of methyl mercury. Too much consumption of tuna can cause mercury poisoning among felines.

Chocolate is Deadly for Cats
For cats, chocolates are extremely poisonous.

Though chocolates are considered food for the brain for human beings, they are deadly for feline brain. Chocolates and other cocoa products contain Theobromine, which makes it hard for the blood to flow on their brain. Difficulty in blood flow causes heart attacks and other several life-threatening disorders.

The higher amount of cocoa present in the chocolate, the more dangerous it is for cats.

It is always advisable to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as it shows signs of sickness such as diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, stiffness, discolored gums, drooling, hair loss, weakness, fever, and the like.

The veterinarian can easily know what is going on with your pet, what medications it needs and guide you as to how you can avoid your pet from getting sick again.

Giving Cats Occasional Treats
Cats enjoy human food.

Just take note of the dangerous and deadly food you should not feed them with and as much as possible, visit a veterinarian every now and then. Treats such as bacon and tuna will only be harmful if given often and with large amounts.

With proper food, medication, and enough care, felines will live longer and fuller.

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11 thoughts on “Can I Give My Cat Bacon?”

  1. Thank you so very much for this informative information. It reinforces what I have learned over the years. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of cats dietary needs in my earlier-years. Cats do need loving and considerate guardianship in domestic environments.

  2. My oldest cat loves bacon a lot and still don’t know why. I just found out to give her a very small piece and it won’t harm her as much!

  3. I prefer to try to live by the rule better safe than sorry. Ive read that you should not feed any type of pork to a cat so the only treats I give mine a bit of cheese or chicken or turkey occasionally. Other than that I feel better just feeding them treats made specifically for cats. We have had cats for years and I love them so much that I want the best for them as I’m sure every animal lover does.

    1. Cats are lactose intolerant. Cheese would not be a wise treat as a result of that. I’m not sure how or why giving cats milk became such a widespread misinformed theory. Milk causes them great discomfort. Poor kitties.

  4. CBC ran a story about researchers testing whether housecats could live on saltwater. They found that of the 20+ test subjects, all of them survived and some even thrived to the point of having kittens, and raising them while still consuming only saltwater for hydration. Unless your cat has a pork allergy, a bit of bacon now and then seems totally fine.

    1. I find that extremely difficult to believe! Cats do not thrive on salt water nor do any other mammals…including humans. A person stranded at sea with nothing to drink would die from drinking sea water as it would severely hydrate them. This too would be the same for cats.

      1. I had read online some months previously when searching for cat info that cats can cope with salt. That research mentioned above sounds extremely cruel! I have given some ham to a few stray cats in the past – now I always keep tinned and dry cat food to hand, just in case, have two feral and their kitty living in a shelter on the decking at present. Am allergic to animal hair so limited as to what I can do for them.

  5. Bacon does not cause heart disease nor does animal fat. The trans-fats and grains are the problem. Then the lectins from beans and nightshades are also showing some responsibility in arterial plaques. This is what recent diet studies show.

    I eat tons of bacon, beef, animal fat, chicken thighs, avocados olives, cheese and my cholesterol tests are getting better every day. But I don’t eat any grain or starch whatsoever or that would be bad (to have both).

    Kitty carnivores are much more suited to a simple diet of meat, fats and organs. Cooked or uncooked even better. They need healthy fats too so a little bacon grease from an antibiotic free, humane source will always be good for them. My super healthy disease free kitties eat ground up ORGANIC FREE RANGE chicken thighs, turkey and liver with salmon oil and human grade bone meal.

    Never cook your bacon on high heat as you will create a toxic trans-fat.

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