Bread is a common source of nutrition for humans. Everyone has some version of bread in their diet. It is the common denominator of food amongst all races, cultures, and religions.
The fact that is is relatively cheap and easy to produce probably has a lot do with that. The average American eats about 53 pounds of bread a year.
That is the weight of small child! Bread is almost always somewhere in the house, regardless of the season or location. At one point the situation may arise where you will want to break bread with your cat.
Can I give my cat bread? Answer: A Little.
Bread is not an essential part of the feline diet. Cats are obligate carnivores and under ideal circumstances would get all the nutrition they require from the prey they kill and consume. That is not to say they don’t require a certain amount of grains and vegetables, but they usually acquire these by eating the intestinal contents of their kills. In general it is best to avoid feeding your cat bread, since it does not really have a place in their diet.
It does not have any dangerous or hazardous consequences if your cat eats some bread, so don’t worry if they snatch some off the floor or if you give it to them as a snack.
Rising Dough is Dangerous
Cats that eat bread dough before it is done rising and baked in the oven can suffer serious consequences. The dangers of ingesting raw dough for cats are double. In the first place, the bread will continue rising and having something growing inside you is rarely positive. Bread rising while inside the cat can cause intestinal blockages.
On top of that, the yeast from the dough can cause the sugars to ferment inside the cat, putting it at risk of alcohol poisoning. If your pet displays signs of alcohol poisoning and could have eaten raw dough, contact a veterinarian immediately. Surgery may be required to remove the ingested glob that continues to grow inside them as well.
Raisin Bread and Garlic Bread Can Be Lethal
Bread is such a versatile food that humans have created all kinds of versions of it. Certain types can be hazardous to our little lions’ health. Popular breads such as raisin bread and garlic bread can be extremely dangerous to cats. Feeding your pet grapes, or the wrinkled raisins they eventually become, can potentially result in fatal kidney failure in cats and dogs. Each individual pet reacts differently, but it is better to err on the side of caution. Garlic and the related roots onions and chives destroy a cats red blood cells, leading to a form of dangerous anemia.
Bread Lacks Taurine
As a primary source of nutrients, bread is completely inadequate. Cats are true carnivores and cannot survive on a diet primarily composed of wheat or grain. They require meat to survive. One of the most important ingredients that bread lacks is called taurine. It is essential that cats consume enough taurine in their diet, because they are unable to produce it themselves. A taurine deficiency is not something that happens overnight, but it will eventually lead to hair loss and tooth decay. It can also eventually lead to complications with their reproductive and cardiovascular systems.
Cats Need More Fat
One of the reasons that bread is so popular among people is because it generally contains very little fat. Each slice contains around one gram of fat. The dietary needs of cats are based around meat and they require a lot of fat. More so than dogs, in fact, which is also one of the reasons dog food is not a suitable alternative to cat food. Bread is certainly worse.
Stick with Cat Food
Bread has no place in the diet of a true carnivore like a cat. Their digestive systems can process it without difficulty, though. Provided it is baked and ready to eat they can tolerate it as an occasional snack. Cats should be given proper food that meets their nutritional needs concerning taurine and fat. These are needs that can never be met by bread alone.
If you think your cat has consumed raw yeast dough, contact a veterinarian immediately because the swelling and the fermentation of the yeast can be dangerous to your cat.
I just gave my cat 2 little pinches of somewhat toast so it’s not hard but not soft. Is that okay?