Can I Give My Cat Codeine?

Can I give my cat codeine?

Can I give my cat codeine?If your cat is in pain you may think that you’ll do anything to help them, including giving them codeine. But this can be a pretty powerful opiate, and not something you want to get into the habit of giving your cat.

The thing to remember about your feline friend is that they are their own species, and they should not be sharing the same sort of medications that we take. A quick trip to the vet can properly diagnose why they’re in pain, how much of it they’re in, and also get a prescription for painkillers that are specifically made for cats.

While it might be quicker and more convenient for you to medicate your pet from home, you could end up causing more complications and problems than what they’re currently experiencing, and if you don’t get a the diagnosis right, you could run the risk of overlooking a serious condition, and allowing it to worsen.

Can I Give My Cat Codeine? Answer: Not Recommended

Of course there are owners out there that will still give their cats codeine, and even owners that will get online and tell other cat owners that it’s OK to give your cat codeine. But this sort of lax attitude toward what you can give your cat is not really responsible pet ownership. You should not take a “give it to them and see what happens” attitude, because you wouldn’t want someone taking that sort of stance with your health and well-being.

Your pet relies on you to make decisions that are in their best interest, and giving them medication that is made for humans, and only in specific situations, is not a good idea. Cats are reluctant to show you that they’re in pain, so if you’ve spotted the symptoms it probably means that they are really hurting. But don’t cover up the symptoms, try to find out why they’re hurting. If you can’t explain it, you need to investigate further so that you can treat the cause of the pain, if possible.

Determining the Cause of the Pain
IF they took a bad fall, and now they’re limping around, you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what caused the pain, but you should take them into the vet to see if they broke anything, and to get the right pain medication for their specific breed, size, and weight.

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However, if they are experiencing pain that you can’t explain the reason for, your vet can help by asking you a series of questions that you wouldn’t be able to think of on your own. That way the two of you can troubleshoot what’s wrong. If neither of you can figure it out, they will tell you to monitor their behavior over the next few days, and will be able to tell you what to look for so that you know whether it is something to be alarmed about.

Most of us don’t pay too much attention to our cats, but we’re able to recognize when they’re acting out of the ordinary. It’s a good idea to keep a journal of your cat’s behavior so that you can recognize any unusual behavior. This not only goes for when you’re monitoring them due to your vet’s instructions, but also on a daily basis, especially when they’re getting on in years. Just note anything peculiar. That way you can spot patterns and have a record of things if your vet asks later.

It can be tough to watch and listen to your cat in pain, but treating them on your own is almost always a bad idea. It may work to some degree in the short term, but it would be a mostly selfish act, and it could potentially cause harmful effects to your cat. The best way to help them is to seek out professional guidance from your vet. It may be a little more expensive, but the peace of mind knowing that you are doing right by your cat is worth it. Also, for their long term care you are getting in the right habit so that they can live a long and happy life.

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