If you’ve noticed your cat has been wheezing lately, you might have considered giving them Mucinex. It is designed to loosen up the phlegm that is lodged deep in your lungs so that you can cough it up and get it out of there. But does its effectiveness translate to the feline species?
It can be tempting and easy to want to give your pet some of your own medication, especially if you already have some on hand in your medicine cabinet, or if it is sold over the counter the way Mucinex is. However, these drugs are pretty powerful, even if you don’t need a prescription, and it is designed for humans, and wasn’t created for, or tested on cats. That’s why it’s not a good idea to give your cat a dose, because there’s too many unknowns on how their body will handle it.
As a cat owner, you might want to help your cat at the first sign of any trouble but this is not usually the best way to help them. They are natural beings, and that means that they usually don’t need a lot of outside assistance, unless it’s an emergency. So if you find that you hover over your cat and try to treat every little ailment, you might want to take a breath and see where this heads first. That way you don’t overtreat them for a non-condition, and you can make better decisions if the problem gets worse.
Can I Give My Cat Mucinex? Answer: Not Recommended
Mucinex is not a prescription drug, but it is still pretty powerful and not something you want to give to your cat, in any amount. If you are noticing that they are experiencing signs of congestion, and this is something new to them, you should not just have a knee-jerk reaction like giving them a pill or cough syrup. You have so start monitoring them to see if the problem gets worse or gets better. Get a notebook and start recording how bad their congestion is at regular intervals. This is the only way to know whether or not the situation is escalating and needs to be seen by a professional, or if you can simply take no action and let it go away on its own.
Diagnosing Chest Congestion
Cats are usually very quiet animals. Aside from the purring and meowing they are silent little ninjas that creep around the house as they see fit. When they start wheezing, or coughing, it’s easy to spot because they are typically so quiet. This can make the condition sound worse than it is. If they hack up furballs on a regular basis, perhaps you’re used to them making strange hacking sounds, and you will fail to notice anything is wrong with them at all.
When to See the Vet
If your cat seems to be having trouble breathing, then it’s time for a visit to the vet. Don’t take chances trying to self medicate your cat, because you could end up making the problem worse. If this is the first time they’ve shown these symptoms you definitely want to get a professional opinion on what’s happening and how to treat it. Your vet will be able to prescribe something for them if necessary, and will be able to help you determine what brought it on.
The reason you don’t want to cover up your cats symptoms is because it can make it harder to diagnose bigger problems. Your cat needs to show you all of the signs so that you know what’s going on with them and can treat them accordingly. If you start giving them medicine for their cough, and it masks that symptom, you might not be able to accurately diagnose a more serious condition.
Cats and Coughing
So why do cats start coughing? Is it from a cold that they catch, or are they trying to dislodge something from their throat? Most cats can get over a cold, because they have a strong immune system. Also, they are no strangers to being able to cough up a hair ball, so they may take a nonchalant attitude toward their cough and not seem to mind having it.
When I went to the vet for my cat being sick she gave him guaifenesin. Is it the same version as we take or is that not true?
It would have the same active ingredient, but a very different dose. Many medications have active ingredients that work for species other than humans, but the dose can be radically different even when taking into account body weight.
What is the correct dosage of Mucinex for a 3 pound cat?
The article says you cannot give them Mucinex.
The article specifically says to give them mucinex. Guifanessen is the generic name. The author states clearly that Guifanessen is the recommended choice to clear clogged sinus/respiratory issues.
The best answer to the above question about Mucinex is to consult your vet. Medicating without vet approval can cause some major issues and, ultimately, death is possible. Don’t do it!