Can I Give My Cat Oil of Oregano?

Can I give my cat oil of oregano?

Can I give my cat oil of oregano?Oil of Oregano is used by some people to treat internal conditions, help with the digestive system, or topically to help heal skin problems.

Giving it to your cat is another matter altogether, and it’s not recommended as a solution because it is often not the best option that you could choose. Evidence is sketchy at best that it even does what proponents claim it can do. There’s no reason to suspect that it would be any sort of miraculous healer for your cat, and it could actually end up making their condition worse due to the possible side effects.

The important thing to remember is that if your cat does have a condition that you thing oil of oregano can help with, there is going to be a more tried and tested solution to the same problem. It’s good to give your cat the best care you can, and in many instances this does not involve oil of oregano.

Can I Give My Cat Oil of Oregano? Answer: Not Recommended

This is a very potent product even though it is all natural. There are plenty of benefits touted on various websites, but as of yet few studies have been shown to prove that it actually does what it is claimed to do. This refers to use in humans, who have been tinkering with it for several years. Even less research has been done on what it does to cats, so it’s a risky endeavor and one that has few proven results.

Better Treatment Options Exist
No matter what is ailing your cat you and your vet and sit down and have a talk about what their symptoms are, what other medications they’re on, and what the possible treatment options are. It doesn’t matter what their problem is, there is likely a solution that the vet can instruct you on. It’s good to go into observation mode when you see that your cat is suffering in any way. See how many symptoms you can spot so that you can relay that information to your vet.

The veterinarian only sees a snapshot of your cat’s behavior and uses that information to make a determination on what is wrong. The more frames you can fill in to your cat’s movie, the better, and the diagnosis will be more accurate, and hence the treatment will be more effective and your cat will be back to normal more quickly. You can also have more assurance that your cat won’t suffer from side effects, and if they do the doctor will have informed you of them beforehand so you are ready in case they do pop up.

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Keeping a Good Diet for Your Cat
If you cat is struggling with a condition the best thing you can do for them is to make sure that they are getting a high quality cat food. If you’ve been giving them food that has a vegetable or a grain listed as the first ingredient they are probably having more health problems than if you would pay a little bit more and give them a scientifically formulated cat food that they can better digest, and that will provide more of the nutrients they need.

Nature’s Antibiotic
They say that oil of oregano is nature’s antibiotic, and if you are worried that your cat has an infection you should have your vet treat it with antibiotics that have been proven effective time and time again. There are side effects to oil of oregano, and many cat owners believe that as long as they stick to all natural remedies they don’t have to worry about any side effects associated with it. It could cause your cat to have an iron deficiency, a big problem for many cats. They might also have an allergic reaction to it.

Not Natural for Cats
Even though this is from a natural source, cats wouldn’t be seeking out and ingesting oil of oregano if they were left on their own. Lions and tigers get along just fine without taking oil of oregano, and they share a lot of physiology with domesticated house cats.

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10 thoughts on “Can I Give My Cat Oil of Oregano?”

  1. Well, let me tell you, oregano does work for humans. At least for myself and the people I have introduced it to. I have been taking it for 15 years now and it has cured my psoriasis which I did not expect.

    I can’t guarantee it will work for everyone or have no side effects. I can only speak for me and my family. So talk to your doctor before taking anything. I take half of the recommended dose.

  2. I use a drop of oil of oregano on my toothbrush every am/pm as a mouthwash. It keeps the infections associated with sinus infection and/or herpes(cold sores) at bay. It works great and all day and is much better than Listerine.

    1. 3-4 drops of oil of oregano orally daily and 3-4 drops on the base of your spine above your tush crack daily for 6-9 months will Kill/Cure HSV 1 & 2-blood test will be Negative. Then, apply topically 2-3 drops once a day 3 days a week to the base of your spine only (that’s where your nervous system is & where the virus dwells in the body) for life to keep gone/negative or it will return.

      Whole Foods Oil of Oregano is best with 70% carvacrol mixed in a dropper bottle already with pure olive oil for $25. Use a chaser when swallowing as it will burn & if it feels burny or itchy on your back then rub in a little coconut oil or cocoa butter.

  3. Why are antibiotics, created by humans in the last few hundred years, touted as the ultimate answer to everything infected? Nature has been doing this for millions of years. The arrogance that our technological achievements are far superior to that of natural systems evolved over millions of years are the ego-maniacal peak of capitalistic madness.

  4. Oregano oil works wonders for cats, dogs and humans. Learn how to use it. Most should know that a small smug of oregano oil on your taste buds and you will NOT like the result. It is nasty to any mammal. How ever it cured one rescue cat we took on and cured its upper respiratory infection and working on pneumonia. It was 24/7 for a month and sometimes playing with her with an oxygen tube to get her oxygenated. It worked well. The oregano topically removed some of her hair. It cleared her lungs and infection gone in five days after 3 weeks of veterinarian antibiotics which did not do much at all.

    Another large cat, 25 pounder ulcerated his eye birding in the blue berry patch. Oregano Oil in a day cleared his pus shut eye. I continued for 3 days. Vet gave me Bosch and Lamb drops…this cat will not tolerate that. So, what to do….For the inflammation I use Osha Root. He would not let me put in his mouth so I wetted my hands with ten drops of tincture. Then wiped his sides down upon which he licked off the tincture quite complete. He is blind in the one eye but it is doing excellent and will not be collasping.

    Our old fart mouser was acting really lathargic for a couple of days not moving, eating or drinking. She was working on upper respiratory issues. Oregaon oil topically brought her around in three days her breathing is clear. Goes out side and loves to lay in the sun. Oregano oil works great on critters and so dose Osha Root. Remember Osha Root has another name and for good reason, Bear Root.

    Knowing what I do now I will use capsules in the future. Or Oil of Oregano with no olive oil mix to it so it runs less. Where is runs on the skin it will remove the hair. It will grow back.

    These two herbal items are prime in our medicinal cabinet.

    1. Hi Rob, I figured it would work great for cats, I have one with a UTI and one that is very old and has hyperthyroidism but I don’t want to do the med from the vet. I was thinking on a small gelcap of the Oreganol P73 (wild oregano) for the both of them, each has 7 drops, what do you think rather would you try it?

  5. I have my main coon kitten few drops of oregano oil into wet food for a week and his stomach problems cleared up quickly.

  6. “Even though this is from a natural source, cats wouldn’t be seeking out and ingesting oil of oregano if they were left on their own.” Carvacrol which is the ingredient that is needed to make oil of oregano beneficial is found naturally in Nepeta cataria (catnip, catswort, catmint) so cats would naturally eat this for immune and mental support and stimulation.

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