Cats are very fond of cleaning and grooming themselves, which can form a lot of hairballs. They groom themselves by licking the fur and hairs all over their body many times in a day. Although this particular hygiene of theirs keeps them clean and dirt-free, there is nothing more annoying than stepping on a gooey hairball coughed up by your feline friend.
On top of that, the symptoms of a cat having hairball problems can also be alarming. Some of them constantly hack and some even experience constipation. Stopping their innate hobby of grooming is impossible and so the chances of developing hairballs will always be there in cats. What treatment can be done for cats with hairballs?
During a cat’s grooming process, their tongue has tiny hook-like parts that catch the dead hair. They swallow this but usually do not develop any complications in the digestive tract. When the hair stays in the stomach, that’s when it becomes a hairball, which your cat will try to vomit up because of the irritable feeling.
This is totally normal and natural if it only happens every once in a while. But if it happens almost daily and you observe your cat having symptoms such as ongoing vomiting and gagging without any hairballs, lack of appetite, constipation, and diarrhea, it is time to have your cat treated by bringing them to your vet. This might mean that the hairball could be blocking your cat’s breathing airways.
What Can I Give My Cat For Hairballs? Answer: High-fiber Foods
There are a number of treatments in aiding your cat with problematic hairballs. Bringing your pet to your vet will give you options to get rid of the hairballs. Your vet will most probably advise that you either add fiber to their diet or give a lubricant that will help the fur balls go down the digestive tract smoothly. Over the years, cat owners have trusted petroleum jelly that also comes in different cat-pleasing flavors such as tuna, malt, and liver. There are also cat food formulas that contain fiber and lubricant to help your cat passing any problematic hairballs.
When your cat is experiencing hairball problems, it is best to contact your vet and ask for the best remedy. The goal is for the hairball to go down smoothly through their digestive tract rather than go back up, using a lubricant or high-fiber substance. Your vet will probably prescribe a hairball product such as a lubricant or laxative to help it find its way through the digestive system. There is also specialized cat food that is high in fiber and also contains a lubricant, designed to help hairballs pass.
Prevention is Better than Cure
Prevention is definitely way better than a pound of cure, as they always say. There are different things you can do to avoid your cat from having a hairball stuck in their stomachs. Frequently comb or brush your pet’s fur. This will help remove loose fur and reduce the chances of your cat swallowing dead hair that eventually develops into hairballs. Make it a fun bonding time for you and your feline friend. Aside from preventing those nasty hairballs, many cats love having their hair brushed.
Other Home Remedies
Some have relied on giving a small amount of butter or vegetable oil to their cats about three times a week, which serves as a lubricant in helping the hairballs go down smoothly. Some even give baby food such as squash because they are high in fiber. Although this home remedy has worked in a lot of cats, it is still best to consult with your vet before giving any human food.
When Your Cat Does Not Respond to Any of the Treatments
There are incidents when a cat fails to respond positively to any treatment. This is when the hairball’s size is too big to pass through the cat’s digestive tract. There is a real problem when your cat is excessively vomiting, has a swollen tummy, and is unable to defecate. This is when your vet will take charge by thoroughly examining your cat through x-ray and other lab procedures.
There have been incidents when the hairball found in the cat’s stomach through surgery were become the size of a baseball. Seek immediate medical attention right away as soon as you see signs and symptoms of a real hairy situation.