Can I Give My Cat Ciprofloxacin?

Can I give my cat Ciprofloxacin?

Can I give my cat Ciprofloxacin?Ciprofloxacin is often prescribed in humans, dogs and cats as a way to treat certain infections. The big question is what sort of Cipro can you give your cat, what dose is appropriate, and do you need to visit the vet first?

The most important consideration here is to make sure you’re treating your cat for the right condition. Feline infections come in many forms and there isn’t a reliable way to determine the type of infection your cat has unless you have them checked out by the vet. Only then can a determination be made as to whether or not a drug like Ciprofloxacin will be useful.

At that time the right course of treatment can be applied and your cat can start taking steps towards well-being again. Unfortunately there’s a lot of bad advice being kicked around online with well-meaning cat owners relaying advice that their vet told them, and even vets themselves giving dosing guides. This is not something you’d want to follow, even if it does come from a vet because it’s broad, sweeping information that has not taken into account any of the details about your pet.

Can I Give My Cat Ciprofloxacin? Answer: Under a Vet’s Supervision

You don’t want to give your cat human Ciprofloxacin unless your veterinarian has specifically told you to do so, and has instructed you on the dosage. Taking general dosing information from what other vets have told other cat owners is not a good idea. First, a vet is best qualified to determine what type of infection your cat has, and whether cipro is the best treatment for it. Next, your vet will be able to give you cat-specific dosing instructions based on breed, weight, age, and previous medical history.

Antibiotics and Cats
Antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin should be given special care because the bacteria they are trying to fight can adapt and mutate in order to remain active. For humans as well as pets is important to stay on track with your dosages and finish the entire prescription, even if your pet returns to their normal self. The strain of bacteria can linger around in a dormant state if you don’t fully eradicate it, and so you’d only be setting your pet up for more suffering later if you don’t fully treat it now.

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Feline and Human Medication
Some vets prescribe human medication to cats, others don’t. Some do it in emergency cases only, others do it as an everyday practice. Depending on the vet you have and their opinion about whether it’s OK to give your can human medicine will determine whether they give you the thumbs up on cipro or not. There are formulations that are made for both dogs and cats, and these would be preferable in most cases as they were designed for a feline metabolism.

Helping the Healing Process
You can also take steps to make sure that your cat heals more quickly and is comfortable during this rough time. Now might be the time to switch to a better quality cat food if you haven’t already. This will provide them with the nutrients and minerals their body needs to support a healthy immune system and stay at their best. It’s something that you can stay with going forward so that they are less likely to get sick in the future. It makes a big difference to their overall health and is the number one thing you can do to lengthen their lifespan and quality of life.

At the end of the day you just want to be cautious not to find the answer you want and then stop looking. Sometimes the answer is something you don’t want to hear because it will be more expensive, or it will require taking your cat to the vet which can be a real pain. But if it’s the right thing to do for your feline friend you owe it to them to seek out the best possible care and treatment for their specific condition. That’s why we recommend against much of the advice that’s out there and suggest you to consult with your vet, or at least call the vet’s assistant to see what their opinion is.

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