Cod liver oil is a holdover from the olden days when people used to give it to their babies when they had digestive problems such as constipation. Now people think of it when their cat is experiencing the same problem, and think that if they give it some cod liver oil things will move more easily through their system.
But if your cat is constipated you pretty much don’t have to do anything, because their digestive system is so different than ours that constipation usually is not a huge problem. If they have chronic constipation you’ll want to consider switching their cat food, and in extreme cases you’ll want to take them in to the vet to see what’s going on. But treating them with a quick fix like cod liver oil is not a good solution, and will only serve to mask further symptoms which could lead to bigger problems.
The only good thing about cod liver oil is that it is all-natural, so it is not quite as dangerous or insidious as giving them an OTC constipation remedy, or some other drug that is not meant for cats. But that still doesn’t mean it is a good thing to give them, and there are much better alternatives if you are bent on intervening with their constipation problem.
Can I Give My Cat Cod Liver Oil? Answer: Not Necessary.
Your cat doesn’t need cod over oil because it is equipped to handle whatever problems its having on its own. They wouldn’t consume it out in the wild if they were having a bout of constipation, and at most they will just nibble on some grass as a natural instinct that calms their stomach. By giving them cod liver oil you are introducing a foreign substance and their body won’t know how to handle it. Plus it is hard to guesstimate what sort of dose you should give them, and if you get it wrong it could make things worse instead of better.
Different Digestive System
The biggest reason why you don’t want to get into the habit of giving them things like cod liver oil is that you end up treating symptoms and can end up masking the real underlying problem, thus delaying treatment for what’s really wrong. They have digestive systems that are much different than ours, and while some of the effects will be the same, you can exacerbate the situation with your good intentions.
It’s nice to care for your cat and want them to feel their best at all times, but you have to draw the line somewhere and let them live. Nature has given them the ability to self soothe, and they are very connected to nature, not like humans. We’re doing our best to disconnect from nature and feel that it is our responsibility to step in whenever things go slightly wrong and fix things on our own.
An Old Wives Tale
This is still basically an old wives remedy for making a child pass their stool if they were constipated, or to keep them regular. But your cat should already be regular, so if they are constipated it could mean that they ate something they shouldn’t, or that you need to change their cat food to a better brand. If you keep feeding them low grade cat food that causes constipation, and then give them cod liver oil to push it through, you’re doing them a huge disservice. Upgrading their cat food and putting the cod liver oil money towards it is a much better idea and will result in better overall health.
Better Alternatives
The best thing to do with most cases of cat constipation is take a wait and see attitude. Look for a pattern, and note how many times they seem to be having a hard time using their litter box. If it appears to be a chronic case and you can’t figure out why, consult with the vet to see if they can help you uncover the cause. With cats it can be as simple as being stressed out over a recent move, or just picking up on added stress levels if you’ve been more stressed lately. These can be really subtle and you might not think of them without someone prodding your mind.
What’s so unnatural about it? Are you saying cats wouldn’t eat cod fish if they found it in the wild? It’s a lot more natural than corn or rice, which are common in cat food.
Our cat is what our vet calls a “stressor”. Whenever we go out of town, he gets severely constipated. We have tried many different cat foods, additives, etc. (all vet-approved). Have even taken him to the vet for enema…that was fun …NOT! At our wits end..any suggestions?
Increase wet food with a bit of canned pure pumpkin. Decrease dry food.
Whomever thinks cat constipation is no big thing, and it will take care of itself, knows little to nothing about cats. Cat constipation is almost epidemic. The wait and see attitude is not only wrong it is not based on fact. There is nothing wrong with giving pumpkin, cod liver oil to a distressed cat in moderation and not on an everyday basis.
My cat gets stressed so bad. How much cod liver oil can you give a 13 pound 12 year old cat? I have tried going to a vet, but he just gave him a laxative that was mostly sugar.
I have a cripple cat that I toilet so therefore know if he is having a difficult time having a poo or otherwise. I have just started giving him a weak solution of syrup of figs with some water in a syringe in his mouth, upper palate, every day to keep him regular. He does not exercise.
I do not want him in pain pooing and Califig is a natural product. He gets raw chicken and beef every week, but does sometimes suffer with large stools that are difficult to pass.
People should not give dry food all the time, no matter what the package says. Most carnivores would naturally eat a diet of meat, bones and skin with hair to keep their metabolism functioning well.
I will add some oils to his diet; probably some castor oil, for his well-being.
Will it help my cat with hair loss?
Every Spring, my cat (1/2 Maine Coon = thick coat) develops constipation: even with rigorous brushing, his stool arrives with an endoskeleton of hair. During this period, his visits to the litter box increase exponentially. He is content with his high quality dry food (Taste of the Wild), and has 24/7 access to fresh clean water (100% indoor cat). Knowing that this is a temporary, seasonal (shedding) mechanical issue, would you say that a dropper full of fish oil once a day would be helpful/useless? His behavior during these weeks indicate that he is under some duress.
Cod liver oil might fix your cat’s skin irritation if it’s due to a type of inflammation that cod liver oil can/will address. Yes, it’s safe and appropriate and possibly smart to give your cat in appropriate doses.