Can I Give My Cat Melatonin?

Can I give my cat Melatonin?

Can I give my cat Melatonin?There are benefits to taking melatonin supplements.

First off, it happens to be secreted by the pineal gland in humans, plants and well as animals.

Melatonin supplements are thought to be help fight and prevent cancer, reduce dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and also depression.

Sometimes it can restore fertility, and can offer some protection against radiation.

One should be careful when using a melatonin supplement since it has not been approved by the United States FDA. If you are sold on taking the product it may be a good idea to consult a doctor for more information.

There are a few side effects like sleepiness, so it should be taken at night. Also headache, stomach irritation, or nausea. When taking melatonin a person should not drive or operate heavy machinery.

It also has been shown to raise blood pressure, so if you are a person with heart problems, hypertension, kidney problems, sleep apnea, or if you have suffered from a stroke you should not take it.

You should also see the correlation to side effects in humans and how they will also effect your cat in some way.

Can I Give My Cat Melatonin? Answer: As Directed By A Vet

Melatonin is given to cats by their owners and veterinarians for numerous reasons such as, hair loss, anxiety, certain noise phobias, and to help induce sleep.

Melatonin is best known for the ability to to regulate body rhythms and reproductive cycles.

Although this drug is mostly safe and can be found over the counter in most health food stores, it should be used under a veterinarian’s orders since this drug is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

But, it can be prescribed legally by your veterinarian as an extra-label drug.

How Melatonin Is Dosed
For a cat melatonin is usually dosed at 0.5 to 0.8 mg per cat by mouth when it is needed or every 12 or more hours.

This is a medication and should be prescribed by a veterinarian, who knows how much melatonin your cat should have. The dosage will also be dependent on what your cat is being treated for, and the size of your cat.

Your cat’s response to the medication should also be noted and dated to show your veterinarian at the next appointment. If you think your cat is having an allergic reaction to the medicine, then you should go in as soon as possible.

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Purchasing Melatonin Supplements
Melatonin supplements can be found at most health food stores as well as drug stores.

Be careful when giving your cat melatonin without the supervision of your cat’s veterinarian because it is only sold in 1 or 3 mg capsules.

There is a liquid version. However, it can be stronger than the capsules.

Read the label closely if you aren’t going to ask for your veterinarian’s advice. That’s strongly recommended for the health and well-being of your cat.

If your cat is underweight it may not be a good idea to give your cat a melatonin supplement. It is believed that melatonin helps assist with weight loss.

Increasing Melatonin Without Supplements
Melatonin can be helpful with many minor problems but giving to much melatonin to your pet cat can do more harm than good.

If you are worried about this or do not have a lot of money to see a veterinarian there are a few things that you can do to help raise your cat’s melatonin levels.

Be sure your cat is in total darkness for 10 hours everyday while he or she sleeps. This means no television or night lights to interrupt sleep.

Cats can have some organic brown rice and/or oats, however these foods are a no-no for cats with cancer since carbohydrates are not a good calorie source.

Fresh sage also can help since it contains melatonin naturally, as well.

Melatonin and Your Cat
Cats can have a melatonin supplement for various reasons and is usually safe.

Your pets veterinarian should prescribe the correct dose and dosing times to be sure your cat does not get to much melatonin.

Do not give your cat melatonin if he has hypersensitivity or an allergy to the supplement, or if your cat is on other medications (unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian).

If you cannot afford to take your cat to the veterinarian you should not give your cat melatonin since the cat could be allergic, or overdosed which could be dangerous to the cat’s overall health and well-being.

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6 thoughts on “Can I Give My Cat Melatonin?”

  1. My son and my kitten were watching TV when I went to the bathroom. When I came back, my melatonin and soda were spilled everywhere. I know my son didn’t take any of it but when I came back up from putting him to bed, I noticed the kitten had been at the spot where the melatonin was. He seems fine, eating and drinking, but is not running around like the little nut job he usually is. Any suggestions or comments regarding this? Thank you to anyone who can give me any insight.

  2. I have 2 feral cats between 8 and 12 years old. I have never been able to touch or pet either of them. The older, a male, has very long back claws and seems also to be loosing weight although he has a good appetite. The other, a female appears in good health. I want to get both to a vet and am considering testing their response to Melatonin as a calming agent to catch and transport them for an exam, nail trim, evaluation, etc. Advice or experience with Melatonin will be appreciated.

    1. Rent or invest in Tru-Catch humane traps. This is the safest method for both you and the cats. Use a zip tie to set the trap so that it won’t trigger and start by putting treats and their meals around and eventually in the traps. Then before the appointments, remove the zip ties and set the traps. Be sure to cover the traps with sheets after the kitties are trapped.

      If they need to undergo spay/neuter in the early morning I suggest trapping them the night before and then they will only have eaten the food in the trap (since they shouldn’t eat 12 hours before surgery). Cover their traps and set them a quiet and warm place, then in the morning put them in the car and off you go.

  3. I gave my 9 pound cat 1/2 of a 5mg tablet and he ate it! All of it! I feel bad. I hope and pray he is not effected by it. Can anyone help me? Any thoughts on how I should go about looking for signs of an overdose?

  4. FYI: My vet told me to give my 24 pound 10 year old cat a 3mg for early stage kidney disease. I’ve never heard of this but the vet is a cat specialist and I will try this.

  5. My long haired cat had diarrhea and it’s all over her hind end. It stinks horribly and she has a large raw area now. She’s really hard to hold and I’ve racked my brain trying to find a way to clean her up. My daughter mentioned melatonin. If it would calm her down I would give it to her immediately. I just need to know if anyone’s cats have had bad reactions.

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